Archive for the ‘Brexit’ Category


A letter to my MP about the EU

January 1, 2021

Dear Jeremy Wright,

Here – – is a picture of Boris Johnson in front of a bus on which is written the slogan “We send the EU £350 million a week let’s fund our NHS instead.

We have now left the EU. Please could you confirm that the government has set up the necessary standing order to send this money to the NHS?

Yours sincerely,

P.S. My wife, an NHS consultant, feels that the money could probably be used to ensure nurses and other less well paid staff didn’t need to use food banks.



Another letter to my MP about the ongoing Brexit disaster

April 10, 2019

Dear (my Tory MP),

Once again, I am compelled to write to you about Brexit. I wish this were not the case, but then I wish I didn’t suffer from insomnia brought on by the stress, uncertainty and misery of it all. We can’t have everything.

Read the rest of this entry ?


A letter to my MP about the ongoing Brexit disaster

November 11, 2018

Dear (my Tory MP),

I am writing to you about Brexit, and the growing opinion that the Great British Public should have a final vote on the deal. I am in favour. Read the rest of this entry ?